
Important: Orca3D and Windows 8 (¿µ¹®) 1421
µðÁî 2012. 12. 18 (11:06)


This notice only applies if you are using Windows 8 and the standalone license version of Orca3D (does not apply to the floating network license version).

Microsoft and Nalpeiron have identified an issue with Windows 8 and the Nalpeiron service that is included in Orca3D as part of Orca3D's licensing mechanism. The version of the Nalpeiron service that is in the current release of Orca3D (version 1.2.3 and the WIP) will prevent updates to Windows 8 from completing successfully, and prevent you from adding features in Windows 8. Microsoft's knowledgebase article on the issue is here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2787752.

Nalpeiron has created an update to the service, which can easily be installed to resolve this issue. Visit www.updatemyservice.com to download the update. This process is described in the Microsoft knowledgebase article. Microsoft will be pushing a Windows 8 update on December 17 which will disable the older version of the Nalpeiron service (prior to, so Orca3D will stop functioning until you update the service.

Future Orca3D updates and WIP releases will include the updated service. This issue is only with Windows 8; other versions of Windows are not affected. If you have a floating network license for Orca3D, you are not affected.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

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Important: Orca3D and Windows 8 (¿µ¹®)  
2012/12/18 1421